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Ask the Experts

Why Do Chronic Biting Problems Occur?

Lisa Poelle, MA

August 28, 2020

Why do chronic biting problems occur?   Read More

What are the Three Domains Observed during the CLASS?

Jennifer Rosenbaum, BS, MEd

August 17, 2020

What are the three domains observed during the CLASS?   Read More

Why Should I Use the CLASS?

Jennifer Rosenbaum, BS, MEd

August 10, 2020

Why should I use the CLASS?   Read More

What is the CLASS?

Jennifer Rosenbaum, BS, MEd

August 3, 2020

What is the CLASS?   Read More

How Can I Support Non-Biased Assessment?

Rebecca Reynolds, MA, EdD

July 27, 2020

How can I support non-biased assessment?   Read More

How Do I Know If Statements are Subjective or Objective?

Rebecca Reynolds, MA, EdD

July 20, 2020

How do I know if statements are subjective or objective?   Read More

What Are Some Reasons for Having Bias?

Rebecca Reynolds, MA, EdD

July 13, 2020

What are some reasons for having bias?   Read More

What Should I Do If I Suspect a Poisoning?

Charlotte Hendricks, PhD

July 6, 2020

What should I do if I suspect a poisoning?   Read More


How Do I Identify Non-Biased Documentation?

Rebecca Reynolds, MA, EdD

July 6, 2020

How do I identify non-biased documentation?   Read More

What are the Types of Bullying?

William DeMeo, PhD

June 30, 2020

What are the types of bullying?   Read More


How Does Storytelling Help Mental Imagery and Reading?

Stephanie Goloway, EdD

June 30, 2020

How does storytelling help mental imagery and reading?   Read More

How Do You Intervene in Bullying?

William DeMeo, PhD

June 29, 2020

How do you intervene in bullying?   Read More


What are Warning Signs of Bullying in Toddlers and Preschoolers?

William DeMeo, PhD

June 22, 2020

What are warning signs of bullying in toddlers and preschoolers?   Read More


How Should I Store Hazardous Materials?

Charlotte Hendricks, PhD

June 15, 2020

How should I store hazardous materials?   Read More


What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

Laura Ritter, BA, MA

June 8, 2020

What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?   Read More


What is Storytelling?

Stephanie Goloway, EdD

June 1, 2020

What is storytelling?   Read More

How Can a Child Become Bilingual?

Erika Flores, BS, MEd

May 25, 2020

How can a child become bilingual?   Read More


What are Hazardous Materials in Early Childhood Settings?

Charlotte Hendricks, PhD

May 18, 2020

What are hazardous materials in early childhood settings?   Read More


What Are the Qualifying Disability Categories Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?

Laura Ritter, BA, MA

May 11, 2020

What are the qualifying disability categories under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?   Read More


How Can I Practice Self-Care Through Mindful Movement?

Nicole Steward, MSW, RYT

May 8, 2020

How can I practice self-care through mindful movement?   Read More

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