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Advisory Board

Patti Bokony
Patti Bokony, PhD, recently retired as an Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She holds master's degrees in education from the University of Arkansas and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, specializing in early childhood special education. She earned a PhD in educational psychology with an emphasis on early childhood from the University of Memphis. Her work focused on applied studies that translated research into practice for families and child care providers. She is the lead developer and researcher of a parenting-education program based on a brief-intervention model and its partnering online professional development program designed for child care providers. She authored the Arkansas 45-hour Pre-K Social-Emotional Learning for Child Care Workers. Other work includes a randomized trial of an adaptation to an evidence-based program in family child care homes. She has three first-authored peer-reviewed publications and has co-authored 18 publications.

James W. Hall III
James W. Hall III, PhD is an internationally recognized audiologist with 40+-years of clinical, teaching, research, and administrative experience. He received his Ph.D. in audiology from Baylor College of Medicine. During his career, Dr. Hall has held clinical and academic audiology positions at major medical centers. He is the recipient of numerous professional awards and honors and the author of over 180 peer-reviewed publications, invited articles, book chapters and also 10 textbooks. Dr. Hall now holds academic appointments as Professor (part-time) at Salus
University and the University of Hawaii, in addition to numerous adjunct and visiting professor positions in the USA and abroad.

Barbara Kaiser
Barbara Kaiser is a graduate of McGill University’s Master's Program in Educational Administration and has been working with early childhood educators, children, and their families for over 35 years. She is the co-author of Challenging Behavior in Young Children: Understanding, Preventing and Responding Effectively, 4th Edition (2017), and is presently working on a new text, The Administrator’s Role in Supporting Staff, Children, and Families When Challenging Behavior Occurs, (NAEYC), which is expected to be available early winter 2021. She has taught part-time in the Faculty of Education at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec and Acadia University in Nova Scotia.
In addition to presenting workshops and keynote speeches on the topic of challenging behavior and related issues in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, and Mauritius, Barbara was the chief consultant for Addressing Youth Violence: An Intersectoral, Integrated Approach for Western Nova Scotia, and designed a webinar series and guide to help teachers and administrators reduce and respond to bullying behavior for the Nova Scotia Department of Education. She also helped to develop teacher training video programs focused on managing children’s challenging behavior, Challenging Behaviors: Where do we begin? with Family Communications Inc. and Facing the Challenge, with Devereux Center for Resilient Children, (DCRC). Recently she has been presenting webinars and articles to support teachers, children, and their families when returning to school and childcare after COVID19.

Natasha Crosby Kile
Natasha Crosby Kile, MS is the Early Childhood Education Coordinator for the Northwest Arkansas Community College in Bentonville, AR, and works as a certified trainer, writer, coach, and consultant for both the University of Arkansas and Arkansas State University. Natasha has over 27 years of experience working in the field of Early Childhood as a teacher, supervisor, trainer, and mentor. She holds a Bachelor's of Science in Child Development from the University of Arkansas and a Master's of Science in Childhood Services from Arkansas State University. Natasha has served as a leader in many areas including serving on the board of the Arkansas Early Childhood Association. Natasha has a passion for training early childhood professionals and finds herself right at home in a group of 5 to 5,000 teachers that are eager to facilitate the growth of young children and support their families. She is a distinguished expert and was named Arkansas Early Childhood Professional of the Year in 2012.

Melanie Bruce Little
Melanie Bruce Little, MBA, MEd, earned her master's in business administration from Boston College and her master's in early childhood administration from National-Louis University. She has over 20 years of experience in the field of early childhood education as a teacher and administrator. She has served as adjunct professor in the Early Childhood Education departments at Andover College in Portland, Maine, and North Shore Community College in Lynn, Massachusetts. She is the owner and Director of the Fox Hill School in Danvers, Massachusetts.

Sara Miller
Dr. Sara Miller, EdD, works with University of Arkansas Early Care and Education Projects (ECEP) to provide professional development to early child care professionals throughout the state of Arkansas. She is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation, a published author, and an invited speaker on topics related to early child care and creating coaching culture change.

Liz Moore
Liz Moore, M.Ed, works as a Program Coordinator with the Oklahoma Autism Center and the University of Oklahoma's Health Science Center. Ms. Moore is the project coordinator of Early Foundations, a training site and an inclusive school for toddlers with autism. She has over 13 years teaching experience that includes public school experience in an early childhood special education classroom. Ms. Moore is certified in Early Childhood Education, Special Education and has completed her administration coursework. Ms. Moore has extensive experience and training in autism spectrum disorders and inclusive educational practices. She provides ongoing training and technical assistance to the public school and early intervention professionals.

Barb O'Neill
Barb O’Neill is a speaker, trainer, consultant, and online course creator. She is the founder of Transform Challenging Behavior, which is a training and consulting business that helps early childhood professionals develop the confidence and skills to tackle any behavioral challenge that comes their way and set children up for success. She holds a M.Ed. in Special Education and an Ed.D. in Early Childhood Education, both from Teachers College, Columbia University. You can find her at and write to her with questions or feedback at

Amber Tankersley
Amber Tankersley is a professor in child development within the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, Kansas. She holds a bachelor's degree in elementary/early childhood education, a master's degree in elementary education, and a PhD in curriculum and instruction. She has worked in the field of early childhood for over 25 years as a preschool teacher, university child care center director, university instructor/professor and director of a NAEYC accredited preschool lab. She often presents at workshops/conferences on the topic of early childhood curriculum and the importance of play. She teaches courses such as early childhood curriculum, interacting with children, and parent/professional relationships.

Tara Warwick
Dr. Tara Warwick is an occupational therapist and the co-owner of Blue Sparrow, a national training and consulting therapy firm, and Today’s Therapy Solutions, an Oklahoma-based pediatric therapy company. She has over 20 years of experience working with children with disabilities across all
settings. A graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Tara obtained her bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy in 2000, her master’s degree in Rehabilitation Sciences with an emphasis in pediatrics in 2005. In 2021, she completed a Post- Professional Occupational Therapy Doctorate in from Boston University. Tara spends her days providing in-home therapy to children, conducting training and consultations for schools on challenging behavior and autism, and consulting with other therapy companies on practice management. Tara’s areas of intervention expertise include behavior
management, sensory processing, self-care training (potty training, eating/feeding, dressing, play, etc.), assistive technology, and home programming. Tara enjoys thinking outside the box and developing creative ways to help her business run more efficiently and effectively. Tara resides
in Edmond, OK, with her husband and two children.