member spotlight

Meet Continued member and physical therapist Lawre Hale

“With, I was able to get the hours I needed on my own schedule to make returning to the workplace possible.”


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OT presenter Amy Friedl on earning CE with Continued

Hear how makes online learning convenient for her


Continued’s passion for continuing education offers exceptional online learning, member experience

See what our members have to say about learning with Continued


Meet Continued member and social worker Suzette LaHaye Miller

"The variety of topics offered through my membership to Continued is so vast."


Meet Continued member and occupational therapist Deena Cohn

Occupational therapists and therapists in general really get to make a difference in someone’s life.


Meet Continued member and occupational therapist Beth Lord

Pediatric occupational therapist meets diverse student needs in Seattle-area school district


Meet Continued member and physical therapist Emelia Brogna

"Online learning has always been easy and convenient for me, but its value in the last year has been immeasurable."


Meet Continued member and early childhood educator Debra Flood

“My passion for this work comes from my personal experiences, and there is no feeling like when you help someone achieve their personal and/or educational goals.”


Meet Continued member and early childhood educator Kavitha Ramesh

"As teachers, we build the scaffolding for the child to move to the next level and then the next."


Meet Continued member and physical therapist assistant Mitch Miller

Georgia PTA devoted to giving 'best care possible'


Meet Continued member and early childhood educator Danielle Choate

Michigan preschool teacher on serving families and value of continuing ed
