member spotlight

Meet Continued member and early childhood educator Danielle Choate

Our story is as much about our members as it is about us.

Danielle Choate joins the Continued community from Michigan, where she works in early childhood education. Known as “Miss Dee” to many of her students, she co-leads the 4-year-old preschool room at Cozy Corner Child Care Center.

Choate has a master’s degree in museum studies and earns her continuing education and Child Development Associate (CDA) hours through Continued Early Childhood Education

“I don’t have a degree in early childhood education, so every class I take with Continued helps build on the experience I have. It has helped me a great deal with social-emotional growth so I can support the children in my life.”

continued member Danielle ChoateWhat do you like most about working in early childhood education? 

I love my [students'] families. Not only do I have a close bond with all my kids, but I feel like the parents all care about me and appreciate me too. It definitely feels like these families are an extension of my own.

What makes you passionate about your field? 

One day a mom messaged me and told me she had been talking to her daughter and was naming people who loved her little girl. The girl looked at her mom and told her she had forgotten someone. When the mom asked who she'd forgotten, the little girl said, “Miss Dee loves me. That's the best gift she can give me.” That story illustrates why I'm passionate about my field: I can give all these children love and a good foundation for their future.

What value does online learning hold for you? 

I love taking courses on Continued. This allows me to work and spend time with my four sons but still earn clock hours toward my CDA.

What impact has Continued had on your ability to advance your training or apply new skills to your area of practice?

I don't have a degree in early childhood education, so every class I take with Continued helps build on my experience. It [online continuing education] has helped me a great deal with social–emotional growth so I can support the children in my life.

Thank you, Danielle Choate, for being a part of our Continued story.

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