member spotlight

Meet Continued member and physical therapist Emelia Brogna

Our story is as much about our members as it is about us.

Emelia Brogna, DPT, joins the Continued family from Burlington, Vermont, where she and her husband own Wayfinder Wellness and Physical Therapy. They specialize in a wide array of physical therapy specialties to help clients recover from injuries and return to doing what they love. 

“Online learning has always been easy and convenient for me, but its value in the last year has been immeasurable. Being able to access such an incredible breadth of topics and experts from my desk has been irreplaceable.”

Emelia BrognaWhat do you like most about what you do? 

As a physical therapist, I love that I have the luxury of time with my clients. I can listen deeply and help them identify all the factors that contribute to their pain, injury, or dysfunction. My patients are the best, so it is easy to have fun and laugh while doing hard things together.

Why are you passionate about your field?

It's fun and rewarding! I spend much of my day laughing with my clients and connecting with them over everything from the superficial to the most personal aspects of their lives. They trust me to help them feel better and live better, which is the great privilege of my life.

How has the pandemic impacted your job? 

My practice, Wayfinder, was the first in Vermont to convert to telemedicine—nearly a full week before the state mandated us to close. We were able to prepare our patients and staff and convert to telemedicine nimbly. Surprisingly, we have maintained a high percentage of telemedicine appointments because our clients appreciate the convenience. We are also loving the in-home ergonomic assessments, which cultivates more independence and self-reliance among our patients and also enables us to meet their families and pets!

What value does online learning hold for you?

Online learning has always been easy and convenient for me, but its value in the last year has been immeasurable. Being able to access such an incredible breadth of topics and experts from my desk has been irreplaceable. I am deeply grateful to live in this time and have the resources that Continued provides.

Thank you, Emelia Brogna, for being a part of our Continued story.


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