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Ethics CE Courses Audio for Social Workers


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State Approval Information for New Jersey

  • New Jersey requires approval of individual courses for licensed social workers.
  • The following courses have been approved to meet continuing education requirements for New Jersey social workers.
  • For all other professionals, please check with your state board for current requirements.
View New Jersey Requirements
Access to Abortion Care: Legal Limitations and Ethical Responsibilities
Presented by Allan Barsky, JD, MSW, PhD
Course: #1985Level: Advanced1.02 Hours
After the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision, many states enacted laws restricting access to abortion. This workshop provides social workers with a framework for managing ethical dilemmas that may arise when laws restricting access to abortion care conflict with their ethical duties to clients (e.g., self-determination, informed consent, privacy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence).

Clinical Implications of Trauma Work: Identifying, Remediating and Buffering Against the Interpersonal, Ethical and Professional Pitfalls of Addressing Trauma
Presented by Aaron Gillespie, PsyD
Course: #2027Level: Intermediate2.12 Hours
This course explores essential aspects of clinical practice, emphasizing their dual importance in comprehension and guiding clinician behavior in personal and professional settings when working with trauma survivors. Topics covered include the impact of trauma work on clinicians, proactive self-care, ethical and legal considerations, and practical measures for clinician well-being when working with trauma in real-life situations.

Fundamentals and Ethical Considerations of Clinical Practice with LGBT Populations: Assessment and Therapy Guidelines
Presented by Giselle Levin, PsyD
Course: #2004Level: Introductory1 Hour
Effective clinical practice with LGBT populations requires a basic understanding of LGBT concepts and terms, presenting problems, and evidence-based interventions. This workshop describes the fundamentals for assessment and therapy with LGBT patients through a discussion of best practices, language use guidelines, and ethical considerations. The workshop explores the concepts of sex, sexuality, and gender and defines common terms used to describe LGBT identities. Health disparities, co-occurring mental health problems, and presenting clinical concerns among LGBT populations are explored through the lens of Minority Stress Theory. Finally, ethical considerations for confidentiality, informed consent, and evidence-based therapy practice are discussed.

Permission from Children: The Ethics of Consent versus Assent
Presented by Allan Barsky, JD, MSW, PhD
Course: #1895Level: Advanced1.12 Hours
When clients lack the legal capacity to provide consent due to their age or mental condition, social workers obtain consent for services from parents, guardians, or others who have the legal authority to provide permission on their behalf. This webinar delves into the concept of “assent,” including why, whether, and how to obtain permission from clients when they lack decision-making capacity.

Social Workers as Witnesses: Ethical Responses to Subpoenas
Presented by Allan Barsky, JD, MSW, PhD
Course: #1852Level: Intermediate1.05 Hours
You practice social work and receive a subpoena to submit your client’s records and testify in upcoming court proceedings. This workshop prepares you for responding to a subpoena, balancing your client's needs, rights, and wishes with your legal and ethical obligations to the court and justice system.

Ethical Considerations in the Use of Support Animals
Presented by Doug Tynan, PhD, ABPP
Course: #1998Level: Introductory1 Hour
Emotional support animals have been shown to be effective in the management of stress, anxiety, and depression. Service animals have long been shown useful for people with perceptual disabilities, and there is a growing research body on therapy animals. This course addresses the benefits of animals as companions or providing services, definitions of different classes of animals, and the APA ethical standards involved when evaluating the potential use of animals in the care of people.

The Ethics of Self-Care in Social Work Practice
Presented by Allan Barsky, JD, MSW, PhD
Course: #1759Level: Intermediate1.07 Hours
Social work is often described as a helping profession because the primary mission of social work is to help individuals, families, groups, and communities with a broad range of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual concerns. This session focuses on the ethics of self-care, a responsibility in which social workers attend to their own well-being, which also helps them serve others more effectively.

Dual Relationships, Conflicts of Interest, and Professional Boundaries in Social Work Practice
Presented by Allan Barsky, JD, MSW, PhD
Course: #1699Level: Intermediate1.13 Hours
Licensing infractions, professional review complaints, and malpractice lawsuits against social workers are often related to boundary issues, conflicts of interest, and dual relationships. This webinar identifies situations that give rise to these risks and provides practical guidelines for guarding against these risks and maintaining ethical relationships with clients.

The Ethics of Social Work Practice with Videoconferencing and Other Technology
Presented by Allan Barsky, JD, MSW, PhD
Course: #1698Level: Advanced1.1 Hours
Social workers use a broad range of technology in practice, including videoconferencing, electronic records, text-based communication, avatars, biofeedback, and artificial intelligence. This workshop focuses on identifying and managing informed consent, confidentiality, competence, boundaries, access to services, social justice, and other ethical issues that may arise when using various types of technology.

Virtue Ethics in Social Work Practice: Nurturing and Employing Moral Qualities For a Flourishing Practice
Presented by Allan Barsky, JD, MSW, PhD
Course: #1679Level: Intermediate1.08 Hours
Social work ethics is not just about following the code of ethics or making specific decisions to resolve specific ethical issues, but rather, how to live ethics throughout one’s professional interactions and practice. This webinar demonstrates how social workers can use virtues such as caring, honesty, fidelity, and moral strength to guide their practice and interactions with clients, family members, co-professionals, and community members.

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