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What is Situational Violence?

Sybil Cummin, MA, LPC, ACS

July 2, 2021



What is situational violence?


What we know and what research shows is that situational violence is actually the most common form of couples violence. Situational violence is bi-directional. There is not one person hurting the other person or having physical violence towards the other person. Oftentimes, it (physical violence) can go both ways. 

With situational violence, there are lower levels of intensity and injury. Therefore, there is not going to be significant bruising and there is not going to be any broken bones, concussions, or strangulation. Ultimately the levels of violence are lower, although it does not mean there is not going to be fear. 

In addition, with situational violence, both members of the couple accept responsibility for their violent behaviors, and the behaviors are not used to gain or maintain power and control over their partner. 


This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt from the webinar,  The Thin Line: Assessing for Domestic Violence in Couples Therapy, presented by Sybil Cummin, MA, LPC, ACS.

sybil cummin

Sybil Cummin, MA, LPC, ACS

Sybil Cummin, MA, LPC, ACS, is the creator of Beyond Power and Control, and a private practitioner in Arvada, Colorado specializing in working with victims and survivors of domestic violence and children and teens who have been affected by violence in the home.  Sybil has 13+ years of experience in working with children and families and has a passion for working with victims and survivors of domestic violence and a passion for training other clinicians to work with this population.  

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