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Exam Preview

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Tinnitus on Well-being Podcast

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1.  Tinnitus is a:
  1. Benign body sensation
  2. Not real
  3. Enjoyable for most
  4. Very rare
2.  Anxiety, depression, and sleep difficulty:
  1. Are not experienced by people with tinnitus
  2. Do not fuel tinnitus bother
  3. Should not be treated in people with tinnitus
  4. Are the top three complaints of people with bothersome tinnitus
3.  Which of the following has been shown to have long-term benefits for tinnitus stress reduction?
  1. easy-Mindfulness Based Tinnitus Stress Reduction (e-MBTSR)
  2. cognitive-Mindfulness Based Tinnitus Stress Reduction (c-MBTSR)
  3. internet-Mindfulness Based Tinnitus Stress Reduction (i-MBTSR)
  4. None of the above
4.  Chronic stress directly affects tinnitus bother by:
  1. Increasing anxiety
  2. Decreasing Depression & Anxiety
  3. Relaxing the mind
  4. Lessening tinnitus bother
5.  A mindful approach to tinnitus is compared to:
  1. Tuning the orchestra of the mind
  2. Over-eating
  3. Working a full-time job
  4. Avoiding or ignoring
6.  A mindfulness approach to tinnitus helps extinguish the automatic fear reaction and replaces it with:
  1. A ‘letting go’ or ‘letting be’ of attention and perception of tinnitus
  2. Nervousness about other body sensations
  3. Other fears about loud sounds
  4. Worries about other medical issues
7.  In addition to stress, tinnitus is often linked to ___________________.
  1. Arthritis
  2. Body aches
  3. Poor speech
  4. Trauma
8.  The day/time/moment when tinnitus is first noticed can often be classified as:
  1. Fun
  2. Enjoyable
  3. Traumatic
  4. Exciting
9.  Potential blocks to habituation include:
  1. Relaxation
  2. Talking to your doctor
  3. Talking to your therapist
  4. The mind staying 'locked-and-loaded' not the sensation
10.  The mental health specialist:
  1. Plays a critical role in tinnitus care and related anxiety
  2. Should not work with tinnitus patients
  3. Is the first person someone with tinnitus comes to
  4. Is unqualified to help with tinnitus

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