Continued Respiratory Therapy Phone: 866-382-0799

Exam Preview

Troubleshooting with Ventilator Graphics: Restrictive Physiology

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1.  Which condition affects the structure of the chest wall, potentially reducing lung volume?
  1. Pleural effusions
  2. Kyphoscoliosis
  3. Body habitus
  4. All of the above
2.  How is applied airway pressure related to the chest wall and lung in terms of compliance?
  1. Applied pressure affects only the lung
  2. Compliance is independent of airway pressure
  3. Chest wall compliance is not influenced by applied pressure
  4. Applied airway pressure inflates both the chest wall and the lung
3.  In what regions does an esophageal balloon work well for measuring pleural pressure?
  1. Non-dependent regions
  2. Dependent regions
  3. Middle lung regions
  4. Both non-dependent and dependent regions
4.  The ________ maneuver briefly interrupts flow delivery, providing us with a static measure of ______ pressure. This measure relative to positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) gives us insight into respiratory system compliance.
  1. End-Inspiratory hold, Peak alveolar
  2. End-Inspiratory hold, Plateau
  3. End-Expiratory hold, Peak inspiratory pressure
  4. End-Expiratory hold, Peak alveolar
5.  What does the equilibration constant for volume (or pressure) represent in the context of time constants?
  1. The time required to fill the lung units by a certain percentage
  2. The amplitude of pressure in the pulmonary system
  3. The equilibrium point between inspiration and expiration
  4. The constant flow of air during mechanical ventilation

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